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Depending on the duration and the definition of objectives. the courses are taught at different venues throughout the course.

They are designed for undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and professionals in the most diverse fields of scientific, economic, social, cultural and academic knowledge. They focus on the specialisation and excellence in the area approached through the knowledge and experience of authorities on the subjects, at both a national and international level.

Within the Advanced Courses, which are held at all UIMP venues, Summer Courses are held and are taught at Palacio de la Magdalena and the Las Llamas campus in Santander. From mid-June to September these courses, which are now a tradition lasting more than eight decades and which are endorsed by the university - represent a point of discovery, communication and intellectual debate under the supervision of their instructors.

Participation in the courses is credited with an attendance certificate. Most of the courses carry a value in equivalent ECTS credits.

Check here the courses for 2018 summer (2019 to be announced)

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